Putting You First
Providing assessments, diagnosis, and treatment of all musculoskeletal conditions, with a special interest in sports injuries and rehabilitation.
The musculoskeletal system includes all bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and soft tissues, which following an injury can cause loss of movement, function, and pain.
With a hands-on approach to treatment, combining soft tissue massage, manual therapy, manipulation, and a tailored rehabilitation programme, we aim to return you to full fitness and function.
Patient-Centered Treatment
Sports massage is a manipulation of the body's soft tissues which can be applied in a sporting and non-sporting context.
Here at Livebetter our goal is to aid your recovery, so we use a variety of techniques from myofascial release to trigger point therapy.
These can be targeted to problem areas we identify together, and aim to reduce muscular tension and pain, whilst increasing range of movement and muscle length.
The Tools You Need
Sometimes it's necessary to use a brace either to aid recovery or prevent further injury.
That's why Livebetter Physiotherapy provide a bracing service to help with sourcing and fitting.
Tapping into years of experience, we work for you to ensure the correct brace is used for the right condition.
Putting You First
We work with a wide range of orthopaedic consultants to provide rehabilitation following all major joint surgery. Including but not limited to:
Arthroscopy and Rotator cuff repair
Total hip replacement and Arthroscopy
Total knee replacement, Arthroscopy and reconstruction
Arthroscopy, tendon reconstruction
Patient-Centered Treatment
Sports injury and trauma management can be provided for various sports teams.
With over 15 years of pitch-side experience and an up to date LUBAS medical qualification, this service can also be provided for sports tournaments including rugby, tennis, football and more.
I am a little bit fussy when it comes to physios, and I have high standards.
You don’t get to my age in life, playing the level of sport I have always done throughout my life without visiting a fair few.
In doing this you quickly learn about the different types of physios. You get those who treat the symptoms, meaning the problems will come back time and time again whilst you rack up needless expenditure, and then you get those physios that try to find the underlying cause and treat it, meaning you have a solution to the problem, and if it isn’t solved, you can understand it and manage it.
Ricky is the second type of physiotherapist and possibly the most thorough I have ever met.
His knowledge and attention to detail are second to none, and his approach is both amiable and accommodating.